Costa Rica: June 2006 - Page 6

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Let's head back to Boca Barranca, ok?
Rabbit Kekai.
Boca Barranca morning textures.
It's a really nice wave. And I mean really nice.
Boca Barranca is a REALLY nice wave.
And with the Rabbit Contest going on, it was even nicer, 'cause there was a bunch of world-class longboarders there, demonstrating exactly how to ride an endless peeling left-hand pointbreak.
Brent Russell just before paddling out for his heat in the Rabbitt Kekai Longboard Classic at Boca Barranca.
Charlie Broughton, getting ready to go surf perfect Boca Barranca in the Rabbit Kekai Longboarding Contest in Costa Rica.
Guys like Brent Russell (above)
and Charlie Broughton (right)
Low tide, on the mud flat, at Boca Barranca.
It was low tide, and you could walk way out on the mud flat, and get fairly close to the waves.
Endless wall at Boca Barranca.